Friday, June 13, 2008

What is this about ?

Before getting on to some good movie buffing and baffing, my intro to the new venture of venting out my love for movie –


I believe movies and books are the best inventions of all times and would like to express my insights about them. All I am trying to get out here is to pull out some more drops out if the oceanic thoughts of the creator. To drench myself and the readers into the finer nuances of the art that moves on canvas.

To me, movies are thoughts, philosophies and expression of complexity with simplicity. The movies which are able to depict the complexity with adept simplicity and the simplicity with concrete complexity are to be worshiped. Every action shown on screen should convey far more that what a naïve mind can think of. I would consider myself worthy of the movie if I could read the thoughts between the frames and vice-versa.

Enough of my pointless blah blah… down to business…

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